Os significados da eleição (9) – Discutindo o que realmente importa

8 out 2010 by josé carlos vaz, 8 Comments »

Publico abaixo trabalho do ilustrador gráfico Bruno O. Barros (@ilustrebob). É auto-explicativo, baseado em dados sérios. E mostra o que realmente precisa ser discutido nas eleições.  Vale a pena enviar para os amigos. Basta enviar o link http://wp.me/pBRNS-bj.

Veja o panfleto num tamanho maior!
Via @IlustreBOB



  1. Elouise disse:

    The abltiiy to think like that shows you’re an expert

  2. Oh…that last one is amazing…what a difference the new windows make. I remember when I lived in Atlanta…those house were EVERYWHERE! My fiance cleaned the pool of a multi million dollar home of one of the Falcon players. It was like four years old and the stucco was a rotting mess already. My garage is real stucco and its 80 years old and doing fine.

  3. “und euch neu mit euren Daten anmelden”…war nicht nötig. Da die alte App nicht vorher deinstalliert werden muß.Gott sei dank.

  4. http://www./ disse:

    admin In pede mi, aliquet sit amet, euismod in,auctor ut, ligula Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. juillet 15, 2011

  5. http://www./ disse:

    That’s way the bestest answer so far!

  6. Socialism, Anon?You mean like how the Liberals sold off CN?When you call the traditional party of big business in Canada “extreme left-wing socialism” all you do is prove you’re an idiot.Neither the NDP nor the Liberals stand for expanded public ownership of the economy, let alone total ownership. That’s what socialism and communism are – not merely names to be spat out by blithering idiots like yourself.

  7. another amazing card you have created Bev, lovely shades of pink/green, gorgeous papers and all the embellishments add a fabulous finishing touch, especially the flower soft. What a wonderful sketch you have come up with, it's been a couple of weeks since I last entered JM challenges, but I shall be joining in with this one. Have a lovely weekend, xx vicki xx

  8. The liquid nitrogen could help for awhile until enough waste heat is dumped into it that it can no longer absorb more thermal energy. I have not done the calculations, but I think the amount of liquid nitrogen, or other cryogenic material, would have to be so massive when going on a long trip that it would not be practical.

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