Notas – ACH 3708 – Sem. GP IV – Gestão municipal SP
25 jul 2012 by josé carlos vaz, 6 Comments »
Houve um problema no lançamento das notas. Por favor, desconsiderem as notas que vocês receberam. O que vale são as notas no arquivo anexo: ACH 3708 – Sem. GP IV – Gestão municipal SP- notas .
Para os alunos que ficaram em recuperação, A prova (com consulta) será aplicada no dia 3 de agosto, às 18h, em minha sala. Se tiverem alguma dificuldade, por favor, entrem em contato.
Obrigado a todos por participarem da disciplina e por sua dedicação.
This arlctie went ahead and made my day.
Ich finde, das Chili con Carne auch wunderbar als vegetarische Alternative zu kochen ist, wenn man Sojahack verwendet. Genau weil alles so schön durchzieht, bekommt das Soja einen wirklich guten Geschmack!
Ma nel 1987 due ricercatori britannici scoprirono, tramite l’analisi delle trascrizioni dei dialoghi, che in realtà alcune foto erano state scattate da Aldrin.Scusate, forse è una domanda stupida… ma per scoprirlo non sarebbe bastato chiedere ad Aldrin se aveva scattato delle foto?
Mark, (just to clarify) I’ve never suggested in any of my posts/articles that the ideas of service-orientation are new. However, I have suggested and I still believe it to be the case that service-orientation != object-orientation. Yes, it is possible to do service-orientation using an architecture that is object-oriented in nature, like CORBA. However, I like to distinguish the two. It seems that others (e.g., WS-RF) can’t make the distinction. It is my fear that because some can’t make the distinction, we will end up with applications that don’t scale. Finally, I don’t think I am imposing my own view of what an object is. I just don’t try to call everything around me an object 🙂
hi Kim!hope you are doing well in cincinnati and have a great time with your mom. stay safe! ;)I am a follower of yourson GFC, Twitter, Bloglovin', Facebook and instagram. (5 entries)my favorite from Starbucks is actually the good old pike place roast whole beans. i buy these all the time and grind them every morning! :)thanks for the great giveaway!
no i think suzuki could do better with the 2009 bike. and i’m not talking about the specs. butt just the looks. it’s to much like the old bike….i’s not an ugly bike far from that butt they could do better.dough it looks better then te zx-10r and i think the honda.butt yamaha is on top with the looks. it always has